Recommended Reading
The following list includes recommended reading on a wide variety of subjects related to engineering, machine design, and manufacturing.
Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering (Paperback) |
by Saeed Moaveni |
List Price: $119.95 |
Amazon Price: $97.02 |
"Moaveni addresses all aspects of engineering applications with clarity while maintaining a good balance of textual and numerical explanations and examples at the right level of difficulty.
It's this kind of book that one can easily suggest students keep as a reference book throughout their engineering education and beyond as it provides examples of some of the most commonly used engineering figures."
Engineering and the Mind's Eye (Paperback) |
by Eugene S. Ferguson |
List Price: $29.00 |
Amazon Price: $24.28 |
"In this insightful and incisive essay, Eugene Ferguson demonstrates that good engineering is as much a matter of intuition and nonverbal thinking as of equations and computation.
He argues that a system of engineering education that ignores nonverbal thinking will produce engineers who are dangerously ignorant of the many ways in which the real world differs from the mathematical models constructed in academic minds."
Invention by Design; How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing (Paperback) |
by Henry Petroski |
List Price: $19.00 |
Amazon Price: $12.92 |
"Petroski (The Pencil, LJ 3/1/90) has done much to make the nerdy world of engineering interesting and accessible to the reader.
Here, he's after a different audience, one interested in the philosophy and cultural study of the process of invention.
By examining the relationship between the invention of devices and their refinement over time by others, Petroski identifies design principles that engineers use to make things work."
(Library Journal, 1996)
Success through Failure: The Paradox of Design (Paperback) |
by Henry Petroski |
List Price: $20.95 |
Amazon Price: $14.25 |
"From the clumsy packaging of Aleve pain reliever to the space shuttle Columbia disaster, this engrossing study mourns and celebrates failed designs that spur further improvement.
Civil engineer Petroski, author of The Evolution of Useful Things and other meditations on manufactured objects, reminds us that setbacks teach us more than triumphs."
(Publishers Weekly)
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (Hardcover) |
by Steven Johnson |
List Price: $26.95 |
Amazon Price: $14.82 |
"Johnson--writer, Web guru, and bestselling author of Everything Bad Is Good for You--delivers a sweeping look at innovation spanning nearly the whole of human history."
(Publishers Weekly)
Making It: Manufacturing Techniques for Product Design (Paperback) |
by Chris Lefteri |
List Price: $35.00 |
Amazon Price: $23.10 |
"There are many different ways in which a product can be manufactured, but most designers probably know only a handful of techniques in any detail.
Using contemporary design as a vehicle to describe production processes, this book covers a broad range of almost 90 production methods with descriptive text, specially commissioned diagrams, product shots, and photographs of the manufacturing process.
It will appeal not only to product designers involved in lighting, consumer electronics, packaging, domestic accessories and tableware, but also to interior designers, furniture and graphic designers who need access to a range of production methods, as well as to all students of design."
Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals (Hardcover) |
by Rob Thompson |
List Price: $95.00 |
Amazon Price: $59.85 |
"This fundamental new resource explores innovative production techniques and materials that are having an impact on the design industry worldwide.
Organized into four easily referenced parts--Forming, Cutting, Joining, and Finishing--over seventy manufacturing processes are explained in depth with full technical descriptions; analyses of the typical applications, design opportunities, and considerations each process offers; and information on cost, speed, and environmental impact.
The accompanying step-by-step case studies look at a product or component being manufactured at a leading international supplier."
Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems (Hardcover) |
by Mikell P. Groover |
List Price: $144.79 |
Amazon Price: $144.79 |
"This book takes a modern, all-inclusive look at manufacturing processes.
Its coverage is strategically divided--65% concerned with manufacturing process technologies, 35% dealing with engineering materials and production systems.
Groover adopts an approach that is more quantitative and engineering-oriented than most competing books, with more equations and numerical problem exercises.
His goal is to make the subject of manufacturing processes more of an objective science and less of a descriptive art."
Lean Manufacturing That Works: Powerful Tools for Dramatically Reducing Waste and Maximizing Profits (Hardcover) |
by Bill Carreira |
List Price: $27.95 |
Amazon Price: $18.45 |
"According to author Carreira, 'The one and only reason to go lean is to make more money.'
Lean Manufacturing That Works provides you with specific, practical information on every page, and sends you back to the shop floor with a workable plan that will transform your entire operation.
It is the ultimate use-it-now book of lean."
The Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook (Paperback) |
by Kenneth W. Dailey |
List Price: $6.95 |
Amazon Price: $6.95 |
'The Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook is intended as a reference guide covering the terms, concepts and techniques involved in Lean Manufacturing.
It is written in an easy to understand fashion making it useful to both the seasoned Professional and the Novice."
by Thomas Vollmann, William Berry, David Clay Whybark, F. Robert Jacobs |
List Price: $79.95 |
Amazon Price: $50.37 |
"Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management is both the classic field handbook for manufacturing professionals in virtually any industry and the standard preparatory text for APICS certification courses.
This essential reference has been totally revised and updated to give professionals the knowledge they need."
Manufacturing Engineering & Technology (6th Edition) (Hardcover) |
by Serope Kalpakjian |
List Price: $170.00 |
Amazon Price: $130.69 |
"An up-to-date text that provides a solid background in manufacturing processes, with a total of 120 examples and case studies, current and comprehensive coverage of all topics, and superior two-color graphics."
Manufacturing a Better Future for America (Paperback) |
by Richard McCormack, Clyde Prestowitz, Kate Heidinger, John Russo, Sherry Lee Linkon, Ron Hira, Irene Petrick, Peter Navarro, James Jacobs, Michael Webber, David Bourne |
List Price: $14.95 |
Amazon Price: $14.95 |
"'Manufacturing a Better Future for America' details the challenges and opportunities the country faces at this critical time: trade policy, skills and training, research and development, national security, supply chains, new technology, and globalization.
If you want to understand the sector that is most vital to America's economic renewal, you must read this book."
World Class Manufacturing (Paperback) |
by Richard J. Schonberger |
List Price: $18.95 |
Amazon Price: $14.78 |
"According to Schonberger, world-class manufacturing depends on blended management -- rather than domination by a separate group of managers -- which marshalls resources for continual rapid improvement.
To achieve world-class status, companies must change procedures and concepts, which in turn leads to recasting relations among suppliers, purchasers, producers, and customers.
Acknowledging the difficulty inherent in such changes, Schonberger stresses that employee involvement and interaction, both on the shop floor and in the decision-making/problem-solving process, is key.
Wary of those who view improvement in terms of modernizing equipment, he points out that making maximum use of people and current machinery is a company's first priority; automation, if necessary, should come much later."
Introduction to Manufacturing Processes (Hardcover) |
by John Schey |
List Price: $177.65 |
Amazon Price: $177.65 |
"Concurrent engineering involves the whole product realization process, including product concept, performance criteria, mechanical design and analysis, materials selection, process planning and modeling, production control, automation, assembly, management, and others.
An introductory text cannot possibly cover all of these topics, hence the emphasis of the third edition remains on the physical principles and the application of these principles to processes."
Manufacturing Engineering Handbook (Hardcover) |
by Hwaiyu Geng |
List Price: $135.00 |
Amazon Price: $91.12 |
"Let our teams of experts help you to stay competitive in a global marketplace.
It is every company's goal to build the highest quality goods at the lowest price in the shortest time possible.
With the Manufacturing Engineering Handbook you'll have access to information on conventional and modern manufacturing processes and operations management that you didn't have before."
New Manufacturing Challenge: Techniques for Continuous Improvement (Hardcover) |
by Kiyoshi Suzaki |
List Price: $40.00 |
Amazon Price: $27.05 |
"Maintaining world competitiveness has been the clarion call for many industries in the 1980s.
For manufacturing companies, improving production efficiency has been the key.
This work lays out specific suggestions for improving manufacturing techniques on the shop floor.
The chapters, profusely illustrated, treat topics such as quick setup, job rotation, U-shaped production lines, and preventive maintenance.
In each, the author uses his diverse experience as an efficiency expert for several leading consulting houses to good advantage.
However, the volume lacks a strong philosophical framework and comes off rather like a dry list of helpful hints.
Recommended only for production specialists."
(Library Journal)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3rd Edition) (Paperback) |
by James A. Rehg, Henry W. Kraebber |
List Price: $131.40 |
Amazon Price: $115.89 |
"The book presents computer integrated manufacturing as an integral element of the entire manufacturing process, describing its relation to product and process design issues; computer-based process control and automation; operations and information systems for manufacturing; quality; and human considerations.
This book delves into the manufacturing enterprise, the design elements and production engineering, controlling the enterprise resources, and enabling processes and systems for modern manufacturing.
Professionals preparing for the APICS certification exams."
Processes of Manufacturing (Hardcover) |
by R. Thomas Wright |
List Price: $70.00 |
Amazon Price: $70.00 |
"Processes of Manufacturing provides comprehensive instruction in the various methods of processing metals, plastics, ceramics, and composite materials.
The book devotes several chapters each to the major processes used in manufacturing today: casting and molding, forming, separating, conditioning, assembling, and finishing.
A final section provides students with an introduction to such process design and control topics as sequencing of operations, automating processes, and quality control.
The book is extensively illustrated with photos and a large number of line drawings that clearly convey the details of important processes."
Services |
Machine Design |
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