At Harrison Industrial Services Inc. we love designing things, building things, learning how things work, and solving problems.
We want everyone to share our enthusiasm for engineering and creative solutions, and offer the following websites for your amusement and exploration.
World Clock
World Clock displays the current world population along with numerous other world statistics in real time.
Calculatoredge includes a diverse array of javascript calculators for engineering, math, physics, and finance.
Custompart.net includes a variety of information and tools for calculating the cost of manufacturing.
It also includes information about many materials, manufacturing processes, and design considerations that impact manufacturing.
Designfax Online
This free, online magazine, published once a week, delivers information on new mechanical, motion control, electrical/electronic, materials, fluid power, CAD/CAE/CAM, and software products.
Designfax started out as a print magazine providing "Technology for OEM Design Engineers" but went online in 2005.
Engineeringtalk collects and presents information on a wide variety of engineering products and subjects.
In addition to an extensive collection of case studies, news reports, technical articles, and videos, the site publishes a newsletter covering industry related topics.
The Engineering ToolBox
The Engineering ToolBox contains resources, tools, and basic information for engineering, design, and technical applications.
Engineer's Edge
Engineer's Edge offers a significant body of online reference information, training, and forums for engineers to discuss and solve typical and complex design problems.
AutomationDirect sells a broad range of products for engineering and automation applications.
CamSoft sells PC based CNC machine tool controller software and hardware toolkits for the CNC and general factory automation industries.
These systems also allow users to retrofit older CNC machine tools.
Reid Supply Company
Reid Supply Company offers a wide range of hardware for all kinds of engineering projects.
Animated Engines
Animated Engines uses Flash movies to show how all sorts of engines work: 4 stroke, diesel, steam locomotive, jet engine, and many more.
Additional pictures and text explain how each step in a particular engine cycle works.
Since 2007, EngineeringTV has produced over 525 episodes featuring topics in electronic design, machine design, and power electronics technology.
EngineeringTV expanded to four episodes a week in 2008, with each 5 to 8 minute segment featuring cutting-edge technology in action.
Hyperphysics, produced by C. R. Nave and hosted by Georgia State University, provides comprehensive educational resources on physics and related subjects.
Online tutorials, multimedia presentations, and detailed explanations teach physics from the ground up.
Lego Education
Lego offers a wide range of educational kits designed to teach kids basic engineering and programming skills.
Technic and Mindstorms pieces duplicate many of the same functions required for everyday engineering applications.
Lumosity features numerous games specifically designed to improve concentration, focus, and memory.
If you become a member, the site tracks your progress and allows you to compare your results against other users.
You can also use the site to improve math skills, increase name recognition, and overcome some learning disorders.
Manufacturingtalk is a news and information website aimed at manufacturing, production and automation engineers throughout the world.
They publish news releases, case studies and technical articles from any manufacturer that submits information, making Manufacturingtalk one of the most comprehensive news resources on the web.
Physorg.com provides industry and research news related to physics, technology, nanotechnology, space, earth sciences, electronics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and other sciences.
New Scientist Magazine
The weekly print magazine New Scientist features articles on all areas of science and technology.
Their website features additional content and a comprehensive library of back issues.
OpenCollege e-Learning Content Library
OpenCollege e-Learning Content Library is the ultimate resource for the Internet-based education of the future.
It provides online course developers, teachers, and students with access to more than 700 interactive learning models covering astronomy, biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics, and physics.
The Engineer Magazine
Every fortnight, The Engineer provides a mix of news, features and analysis of emerging technologies, innovations and applications across industries, plus interviews with leading engineers and the latest job vacancies.
Since 1856, this formula makes The Engineer a unique, must-read title in the engineering and technology sector.
The Fabricator Magazine
Thefabricator.com provides metal fabrication professionals with market news, the industry's best articles, product news, and conference information from the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, Intl.
Cargo Bridge (Armor Games Edition)
In Cargo Bridge, you design and build bridges so that your workers can bring home gold and treasure.
Bridge elements cost money, so keep your coffers full by using efficient designs!
Light-Bot (Armor Games Edition)
In Light-Bot, you must maneuver your robot to light game squares using simple, graphical programs.
Each board offers a unique programming problem
The Light-Bot only accepts a maximum of 12 programming steps plus two subroutines with up to 8 steps each.
On higher levels, only clever use of the 6 available programming commands will allow your Light-Bot to succeed.
Cool Machines: Axial Vector Engine
An axial engine features pistons that reciprocate axially to a central drive shaft resulting in a very compact design.
This engine was developed for use in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
How Things Work: Gears and Gear Manufacturing
One method of rapidly manufacturing gears involves broaching, the removal of material by successively deeper cutting teeth.
How Things Work: How Ball Bearings are Made
Many critical machine functions require ball bearings.
This video shows how they are made and used.
How Things Work: Rise of the Replicators
The rise of home made 3D printers has triggered a race to create the first truely self-replicating machine.
How Things Work: The Green House Effect
Chroma key compositing allows special effects artists to create dramatic scenes by combining multiple film elements.
This video shows how green screen effect shots relate to the completed film.
How Things Work: Wing in Ground Effect Vehicles
Wing in ground effect vehicles operate very close to the ground and represent a transitional form between ships and aircraft.
This video demonstrates how wing in ground effect works using simple models.
Engineering Disasters: Clearance Gone Wrong
Low clearance accidents represent a major hazard for motorists, especially large truck and recreational vehicle drivers.
This video show just how quickly a small problem can escalate into a major accident.
Services |
Machine Design |
Machines / Mechanical Systems |
Mechanisms |
Jigs and Fixtures |
Tools and Dies |
Automation |
Computer Aided Design (CAD) |
Research & Development |
Proof of Concept |
Prototyping |
Testing |
Round Table Discussions |
Job Shop Manufacturing |
Job Shop CNC Machining |
Job Shop Manual Machining |
Mechanisms |
Machines / Mechanical Systems |
Hardware / Parts |
Welding / Fabrication |
Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM) |
Manufacturing Consulting |
Manufacturing System Design |
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Machine Repair |
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