Engineering and Scientific Calculators
The following list includes calculators for many appications related to engineering and scientific inquiry.
Disclaimer: Harrison Industrial Services Inc. does not warrent the calculators referenced on this page, regardless of source, for accuracy or suitability to a particular purpose.
Please read our Legal Notice for more information.
If you find an error with one of these calculators, please contact us or the originating website directly.
Unit Conversion
Injection Molding
Sheet Metal
Unit Conversion
Acceleration Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of acceleration to another (centigal, centimeter/square second, foot/square second, g-unit, gal, galileo, gn, grav, meter/square second, mile/hour second, etc.).
Angle Conversion
This calculator converts one angle measurement to another (radian, mil, grad, degree, minute, second, point, full circle, etc.).
Area Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of area to another (acre, hectare, square centimeter, square cubit, square foot, square inch, square kilometer, square meter, square mile, square yard, etc.).
Astronomical Distance Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of astronomical distance to another (astronomical unit, kilometer, light second, light year, meter, mile, parsec, etc.).
Electric Capacitance Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of electric capacitance to another (coulomb/volt, electromagnetic unit, electrostatic unit, farad, gaussian, jar, second/ohm, etc.).
Energy Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of energy to another (Btu unit, calorie, electronvolt, erg, foot pound, gallon of automotive gasoline, horsepower hour, joule, kilocalorie, kilowatt hour, megaton, newton meter, therm, watthour, etc.).
Force Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of force to another (dyne, gram-force, joule/meter, kilogram-force, kip, newton, ounce-force, pond, pound-force, ton-force, etc.).
Frequency Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of frequency to another (cycle/second, degree/second, hertz, radian/second, revolution/second, RPM, etc.).
Power Conversion
This calculator converts one measurement of power to another (attowatt, Btu/hour, calorie/hour, centiwatt, cheval vapeur, clusec, erg/hour, foot pound/hour, gigawatt, horsepower, joule/hour, kilocalorie/hour, kilowatt, megawatt, newton meter/hour, etc.).
Pressure Conversion
This calculator converts a specific pressure from one unit of measurement to another (atmospheres, bars, feet of water, inches of mercury, kilopascals, KSC, KSM, pounds per square Inch (PSI)).
Temperature Conversion
This calculator converts a specific temperature from one unit of measurement to another (celsius, fahrenheit, rankine, reaumur, kelvin).
Volume and Weight Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the volume and weight of a large variety of common shapes including cones, cubes, rods, spheres, and many more.
Results appear in English or metric units.
Weight Conversion Calculator
This calculator converts one unit of weight to another and one unit of weight to all others, depending on which version you choose.
Injection Molding
Clamping Force Calculator
This calculator determines the amount of force required to clamp an injection mold while keeping flash to a specified level.
Cooling Time Calculator
This calculator determines the amount of time required for plastic in an injection molding machine to cool.
Thermal Diffusivity Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the rate at which heat flows through a material, an important factor when determining cooling time.
Drill Size Chart
The drill size chart provides a list of standard size drill bits in several measurement systems, including fractional, metric, wire gauge number, and letter.
Drilling Horsepower Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the horsepower required for a drilling operation based on the feed rate and tool diameter.
Drilling Speed and Feed Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the spindle speed (RPM) and feed rate (IPM) for a drilling operation, as well as the cut time for a given cut length.
Milling Speed and Feed Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the spindle speed (RPM) and feed rate (IPM) of a milling operation, as well as the cut time for a given cut length
Tap Size Chart
The tap size chart provides a list of standard size taps, specifying the diameter and thread spacing, for fractional, metric, and screw sizes.
Turning Horsepower Calculator
This calculator determines the horsepower required for a turning operation based on the feed rate, depth of cut, and cut diameter.
Turning Speed and Feed Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the spindle speed (RPM) and feed rate (IPM) for a turning operation, as well as the cut time for a given cut length.
Coefficients of Linear Expansion
This calculator determines the linear thermal expansion of various materials including aluminum, copper, glass, iron, and many more.
The page also shows the coefficients of linear expansion for these materials.
Metal Weight Calculator
This calculator determines the weight of a cylindrical piece of metal based on length, diameter, and type.
Material Usage Calculator
The calculator determines the amount of material required to manufacture a part accounting for such factors as volume, removed material, defective parts, and so on.
Production Time Calculator
This calculator determines the time required to manufacture an item based on factors like cycle time, defect rate, machine uptime, and machines used.
Labor Cost Calculator
This calculator determines the cost of labor based on production time, labor rate, number of workers, and labor usage.
Financing Calculator
This calculator determines the financing costs associated with manufacturing based on the equipment or tooling cost, annual interest rate, and payment term.
Sheet Metal
Deep Drawing Force Calculator
This calculator determines the force required to deep draw a piece of sheet metal based on the drawing ratio, sheet thickness, and ultimate tensile strength of the material.
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