Protecting Your Idea
At Harrison Industrial Services Inc. we understand the value of great ideas and the necessity to protect them.
Before any discussion of your idea, device, or process, we will make sure a nondisclosure agreement protects it.
You can view our standard agreement by following the link below.
If you have any questions or require a different agreement to fit your needs, please contact us!
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement (Preview)

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About Patent Co-inventors
From Florida State University Office of Research (www.research.fsu.edu)
Determining who should be named as an inventor on a patent application is a difficult, often subjective, task and not at all the same as deciding who should be listed as authors of a publication.
But it is a matter of law. If the names on a patent don't match with the legally defined inventors, it can be invalidated with disastrous results.
Because people are co-authors of a peer-reviewed article, or students, co-workers, supervisors, or employees, doesn't entitle them to be co-inventors.
For instance, sometimes students or technicians are included as co-authors on a publication to recognize their contribution for having carried out the inventor's instructions.
Or a department chair or thesis adviser may be honored or shown deference in the same way.
However, unless they contribute in a legally defined way, they cannot be considered co-inventors.
Conversely, if they did contribute, even accidentally or in minor proportion, then they must be considered co-inventors.
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From Patent Pod (www.patentpod.com)
The C.A.F.C. (Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) found that co-inventors must both contribute to the conception of an invention.
Conception is complete when "the idea is so clearly defined in the inventor's mind that only ordinary skill would be necessary to reduce the invention to practice.
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From Legal Zoom (www.legalzoom.com
Numerous inventors may contribute to the research and development of a single invention.
When it's time to file a patent application however, determining who contributed what to an invention may be difficult, particularly when the invention was developed from a collaborative effort.
An invention's patent is considered personal property. Under patent law, each co-inventor named on a patent application owns that property.
In the absence of any agreement, each co-inventor owns 100 percent of the patent, regardless of how much each individual contributed to the invention.
Patent law gives co-owners of a patent the right to make, use, license, sell and import the patented invention within the United States in whatever way they please, without the consent of the other co-owners.
Joint ownership of a patent occurs simply by applying for a patent with other people.
Co-inventors don't need to work together or at the same time on an invention.
Nor is it necessary that they each make the same type or amount of contribution.
Each co-inventor must simply contribute, in some manner, to the development of the idea of the invention.
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Concept to Practice
Harrison Industrial Services Inc. can help you turn your patent idea into a reality.
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