Redesign for Manufacture |
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Harrison Industrial Services Inc. assists customers with the task of redesigning parts and assemblies in such a way as to allow for cost effective manufacture.
Shown is a part of a mold for an international areospace company, used to mold test parts from various materials as part of a material qualification program.
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Machine Design |
Machines / Mechanical Systems |
Mechanisms |
Jigs and Fixtures |
Tools and Dies |
Automation |
Computer Aided Design (CAD) |
Research & Development |
Proof of Concept |
Prototyping |
Testing |
Round Table Discussions |
Job Shop Manufacturing |
Job Shop CNC Machining |
Job Shop Manual Machining |
Mechanisms |
Machines / Mechanical Systems |
Hardware / Parts |
Welding / Fabrication |
Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM) |
Manufacturing Consulting |
Manufacturing System Design |
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