Harrison Industrial Services Inc. develops complete quality control manuals for the job shop manufacture of parts that we make.
These manuals incorporate complete step-by-step documentation of how the part is made.
Each manual includes digital photos, CAD drawings, hand written notes, and everything necessary to make the part and benchmark the quality control.
(Harrison Industrial Services Inc. developed the software to make these manuals in house.)
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Services |
Machine Design |
Machines / Mechanical Systems |
Mechanisms |
Jigs and Fixtures |
Tools and Dies |
Automation |
Computer Aided Design (CAD) |
Research & Development |
Proof of Concept |
Prototyping |
Testing |
Round Table Discussions |
Job Shop Manufacturing |
Job Shop CNC Machining |
Job Shop Manual Machining |
Mechanisms |
Machines / Mechanical Systems |
Hardware / Parts |
Welding / Fabrication |
Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM) |
Manufacturing Consulting |
Manufacturing System Design |
Project Logistics Support |
Field Services |
Machine Repair |
Emergency Assistance |
Construction |
Unusual Requirements |
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